Pay Bill Here DAVID D. LENTZ Attorney at Law WAIT A SECOND ! THE “PAY NOW” BUTTON ON THIS PAGE IS FOR EXISTING CLIENTS WHO HAVE ALREADY HAD SOME OR ALL OF THEIR LEGAL SERVCIES PERFORMED BY US. The Pay Now button on this page IS NOT FOR NEW CLIENTS WHO ARE PAYING FOR FUTURE LEGAL SERVICES IN ADVANCE. Please do NOT use the Pay Now Button below if you are paying a DEPOSIT for FUTURE legal services pursuant to a fee agreement we have with you. Payments for deposits, retainers or future legal services in advance should be made at the PAY A DEPOSIT page on this website. Here’s the link for the Pay a Deposit Page: Click Here to Pay a Deposit ——————————————————————————– NOTICE TO NEW VISITORS and PERSONS SEEKING AN INITIAL CONSULTATION: INITIAL CONSULTATION FEES and IMPORTANT LIMITATION (READ BEFORE PAYING) If you are paying for an initial consultation, here are some VERY IMPORTANT RULES and LIMITATIONS: The fee is merely for the initial consultation alone and no other legal services. In short it is NOT an agreement on our part to act as your lawyer in any court case or in any real estate or other business transaction. If, with your agreement, we do decide to represent you after the initial consultation that relationship will be confirmed by an email, letter or written agreement sent by us to you wherein we expressly agree to represent you. Until you receive such an email, letter or written agreement from us, do not tell any court, or any judge or other person that we are representing you. ————————————————————————— TO ALREADY EXISTING CLIENTS and ALL OTHERS (who are not NEW CLIENTS): You can use the Pay Now button below to make a payment. To make a payment simply click on the “Pay Now” button below This sends you to PayPal’s site. PayPal handles our payments. NOTE: We take all of the credit cards shown below. Although using the button below takes you to Pay Pal, you do NOT need a Pay Pal account to pay once you get to the PayPal site. Just sign in as “Guest” (usually the gray or other designated area at bottom of 2d page) On the first page it will show Miscellaneous services (that’s okay)….please insert “1” as the quantity. If it asks for your email address, that is so they can send you a confirmation of the transaction by email. We are normally notified by email within 5 minutes of your payment by PayPal (via email from them to us). There is an example of how to pay below. Payments should be made to “DAVID D. LENTZ” (although the name of the payee (David D Lentz) normally appears automatically).If it asks for a QUANTITY then please just fill out a quantity of …… 1 (one). Fill out the amount you are paying. USD stands for US Dollars and so usually you do not have to type in the “$” sign. When filling out the form many folks, especially those without a PayPal account find it easiest to simply click on the “guest” or other designated area at the bottom of the Paypal page and use their debit or credit card. We do accept credit/debit cards (click through to second screen after entering a payment amount at left on the first screen) Additional questions are answered at the “How to Pay Here” page which can be seen and clicked on in the menu (in the white field) above this page. EXAMPLE: If you were paying $500.00 You would input the following: quantity of legal services is ….1 (that might already be pre-coded as being 1 If it is then you do not need to input anything for quantity Beside USD input 500 (not $500.00 nor $500) The dollar sign ($) will be rejected. IMPORTANT NOTE: PLEASE NOTE THAT BY CLICKING ON “PAY NOW” THAT YOU ARE LEAVING OUR WEBSITE AND GOING TO PAYPAL’S SITE AND THE TRANSACTION IS ENTIRELY PROCESSED THROUGH PAYPAL AND NOT BY US. Please note that if you are making only a partial payment on any bill you’ve been sent by us that we accept any such partial payment that you may make “with full reservation of rights”, meaning we reserve whatever rights we have to full payment for all services which we have rendered. THANK YOU FOR ALLOWING US TO SERVE YOU !